Project Description
Environmental Site Remediation
EG&R personnel have designed and constructed soil and groundwater remediation systems using a variety of technologies. EG&R personnel are fully conversant with the operation and maintenance of various remediation systems. We completed remediation for several contaminated sites safely and cost-effectively. Our environmental remediation capabilities include the following:
- Feasibility Studies
- Pilot Scale Studies
- Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) Demonstrations
- Excavation and Disposal
- In-situ Chemical Oxidation
- LNAPL (Product) Recovery
- DNAPL Site Remediation (including Manufactured Gas Plant Sites)
- Soil Venting/Air Sparging
- Bioremediation
- Chemical Stabilization & Fixation
- Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE)
- Sub-slab Depressurization Systems
- Vapor Mitigation
- Pump & Treat Systems
- UST Removals and Closures
- Operations & Maintenance (O&M)
- Long-Term Monitoring
- Construction Support
Remedial Action, Former Lukoil Site, Chopra Energy, 352-356 Rt 40 W, Carneys Point, NJ (NJDEP PI# 019144): Free product recovery (LNAPL) was accomplished by implementing over 50 Total Fluid Recovery (TFR) events. Over 200 tons of contaminated soil in the source zone was excavated and disposed offsite. EG&R performed bench scale and feasibility studies for the implementation of in-situ chemical oxidation for the remediation of groundwater contamination. Based on the data, appropriate chemical oxidants were selected, and two rounds of in-situ chemical injections were implemented in the source area using 24 injection points. Post-injection performance monitoring data was collected. MNA evaluations were conducted using primary and various secondary lines of evidence. It was demonstrated that MNA would be the option for the site groundwater remediation.
Remedial Action, Former Dry-Cleaning Facility, Dunellen, NJ: EG&R conducted excavation of PCE and TCE contaminated soils from the footprint of the source area. Performed pre-mitigation diagnostic tests and designed the vapor mitigation system for the whole building. Provided oversight for the construction of the sub slab depressurization system. Conducted the system performance monitoring on a quarterly basis. EG&R prepared the Engineered Vapor Intrusion Response Action Report and submitted to NJDEP.
UST Removals and Closures (Various Sites- Over 100 in NJ/NY/PA; eg. City of Newark, US Postal Services, various commercial clients): EG&R personnel have accomplished the closure of over 100 Underground Storage Tank (UST) sites. As part of the closures, hundreds of USTs of varying capacities were removed, excavation of contaminated soils was conducted, and pumping of free product and contaminated groundwater was performed. EG&R personnel installed soil vapor extraction systems at some of the contaminated sites to remediate contaminated soils. Permanent groundwater treatment systems and product recovery systems were installed at some locations.
Remedial Design, Ironbound Pool Site, Newark, NJ: Pilot scale studies were conducted to evaluate the feasibility of the recovery of DNAPL product recovery by using a 10-inch dia. recovery well. Pilot scale study was conducted by using pump and treat using carbon adsorption technology. The remediation system was designed using: (1) A system of groundwater extraction/recovery wells for mobilization and collection of DNAPL; (2) A system of injection wells to implement enhanced DNAPL recovery; and, (3) A system of groundwater extraction wells to provide hydraulic containment to prevent dissolved phase groundwater from leaving the site boundary. Dr. B.V. Rao of EG&R was the Project Director for this project.