Project Description
Environmental Permitting and Compliance
EG&R personnel have through knowledge of the environmental regulations and the permitting required for the initial siting and subsequent maintenance/ upgrades of power generation and transmission projects, transportation, and infrastructure projects in relation to the protection of natural resources. We assemble a team of scientists and engineers to conduct necessary pre-design studies, develop mitigation plans, and prepare necessary permits. Our personnel are also knowledgeable of the requirements for continued environmental program compliance for these projects. By maintaining a working knowledge of the up-to-date regulations and guidance, our personnel ensure that our permitting efforts result in expedient solutions. Our personnel are also conversant with New York State SEQR and New York City CEQR regulations and have experience in preparing the required documentation.
We offer the following services:
- Pollution Prevention
- Wetlands Delineation & Permitting/Protection
- Soil Erosion& Sediment Control
- Spill Prevention Control and Counter Measures (SPCC)
- Wetlands Mitigation Plans
- Habitat Evaluations
- Endangered Species
- Biological Surveys
- RCRA Compliance
- RCRA Facility Investigations (RFI)
- RCRA Corrective Measures Study
- RCRA Corrective Measures
- RCRA Part B Permits
- Solid and Hazardous Waste
- RCRA Groundwater Monitoring
- Discharge to Groundwater and Surface water Permits
- National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA)
- Environmental Assessments (EAs)
- Environmental Baseline Surveys
- Findings of No Significant Impact
- Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
- Stream Encroachment Permits
- Costal Area Facility Review Act (CAFRA) Permits
- USACE Dredge and Fill Permits
- Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) Reviews
- Water Quality Studies
- Discharge to Groundwater Permits
Wetlands Delineation and Permitting, Storm Hardening of Electrical Distribution Grids: EG&R personnel performed delineations of a total of 69 separate wetland areas in Nassau County, NY and 77 wetlands in Suffolk County, NY. Of these,110 were freshwater wetlands and the remaining were Tidal wetlands. Addressed mitigation of impacts from construction activities associated with storm hardening measures in each of these wetlands.
Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) Reviews, Storm Hardening of Electrical Distribution Grid: EG&R personnel performed EHP reviews for separate areas encompassing a total of 150 electrical circuits. EHP reviews were conducted for each mitigation zone in every circuit area and each circuit generally comprised 4 to 10 separate mitigation zones. EG&R identified EHP conditions in each mitigation zone as per FEMA requirements and addressed their handling in the hazard mitigation program. The EHP conditions reviewed included wetlands, flood zones, coastal zone management areas, fish and wildlife habitats, rare plants and animals, bird conservation areas, endangered plants and animals, archaeologically sensitive areas, cultural resources, environmentally critical areas in the region, and hazardous waste sites.
Fort Monmouth, NJ, U.S. Army: Prepared stormwater pollution plans and stormwater permit application. Pollution causing facilities on the facility included motor pools, vehicle washing facilities, fuel dispensing, AST/UST areas, hazardous waste storage areas, recycled materials storage, and small manufacturing facilities. Identified Best Management Practices (BMPs), conducted quarterly sampling of outfalls throughout the 1350-acre installation facility, prepared Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs); conducted facility inspections on a quarterly basis for a period of three years and prepared inspection reports.